Sunday, October 23, 2005


Party Time

So, last night I only made it to Backseat & the Backseat after-party, which was at the Sweet Leaf Tea headquarters, and it was a LOT of fun. Not only was it a serve-yourself bar with free Skyy vodka, Tequila, tea, juice & mixers, but we met a lot of great people there and had a silly time dancing. I really hope no pictures were taken of me on the dancefloor cuz I'm a total goof. We even rode the limo back to the hotel after 2am. Spoke with the director Bruce Van Dunsen, and he was a great guy. Good party you guys, thanks a lot!

Last night in the Stephen F. Austin bar, I unfortunately watched the Astros lose the first game of the World Series. Still, I have hope. haha. Turk Pipkin was in there drinking, even though I thought he was a cancellation. Well at least UT beat Texas Tech, so go Texas! Okay then, gotta get ready for another night of films. Oh, there was also a Ghostbusters after-party at 219 West. I bet that was a great time as well, but we were having too much fun with the Backseat peeps to leave.

if you like music so loud you could not talk, overpriced mixed drinks with movie titles, and crowds of people, then the party was great, if not then you should be glad you did not leave your party. In other words: badges were not checked, so anyone could get in, you had to pay for the ghostbuster themed drinks ($7 each I think), and there wasn't a special place for the festival people.
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