Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Austin Film Festival, Day Seven

Only One Day Left! Tomorrow's the Closing Film @ the Paramount. And tonight I will see:

7:00 PM Transamerica w/ Writer/Director Duncan Tucker

and I haven't decided on my 9pm festivities yet.

It's always a sad time when festivals come to an end, any sort of festival--if you have ever attended one, worked one, or volunteered for one. Sure, you're exhausted and ready to not step foot into a movie theater for at least a month! But at the same time, it's like Summer Camp...and it's over. And all the friends you have made, strangers you have met in line or at parties, and all the creative energy that is just so thick in the air you could cut it, this all comes to an end as quickly as it overwhelmed you the week prior. And in that distant jukebox in the sky, you hear "Tuesday's Gone" playing in the background as in the end of Dazed & Confused when the party's over, the keg's floated, and everyone's drifting away back to where they came from.

But after it's over, don't forget what inspired you. After it's over, don't think you won't have anything in common anymore with the people who have briefly touched your life. When it's all over, don't let all the great ideas you have brewing around in your brain that are crammed into that creative blender in your skull, don't let those brilliant ideas disappear as you sink back into your chair behind your desk Monday through Friday, and don't put all your creative juices on hold. Don't think for a minute that the drive and desire that you're stifling aren't burning a hole in your soul as you swallow down that screenplay that keeps crawling itself back into your brain, keeping you up at night, trying to force you to finally just write it down. Don't let that "you can't make a career out of this" attitude stop you from dreaming and following that which truly gives you that umph for life. Don't stop observing the interactions of people in their daily lives, and the loves you encounter and the pain that surrounds you, and the normality & miracles of your everyday life. Do not forget. Do not let it die. This, my friend, is why we gather for brief moments in our life: to inspire, to be inspired, and to transcribe it all down so we can share with others that which inspires us.

Good luck to you and all your endeavors.

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