Thursday, January 13, 2005
what the HELL was i talking about?!? *spoilers* punch-drunk love was sooo not based on a novel. i was loving the entire thing and then when i got to the end & was watching for who wrote the novel, then damn, it hits me like a stupid ton of idiot bricks
-paul thomas anderson-
well shit yeah, i was wondering about luis guzman and philip seymour hoffman all hangin out & looking cool. the lights & colors. the music & sound. the car crashes. good shit.
i was about to sit down and watch Solaris (1972) but damn! it's a 2-hr-49-min movie! and it was 11:30 so i started sandler instead. (95min)
damn, idiot, what be i babblin bout. wonder what book my sister was waiting to come out. maybe it was the hours and i'm just totally confused. i was sitting there after the film watching the credits, p-t-anderson, 2002, and thinking where the hell was i?
then it hit me, i sorta checked out for a couple of years. i forgot about that. i was sort of preoccupied. then after that i was sort of numb for a year or two. and now i've sort of woken up. and i don't really know who/what/where i'm supposed to be now. i'm already freaking out about a job i'm supposed to have in four months from now. where i'm gonna live seven months from now. i can't do the day-to-day thing anymore. i feel as if i need some sort of plan. is it cuz i'm finally growing up a little? or just plain getting old?
or is it that i'm not just clinging on to every last breath, every last day, every last minute. i'm back in the land of the living again...yet i've almost forgotten how to *live* if that makes any sense at all. to live the daily life without the fear of i don't know, death, sickness, sadness. this daily life without the opportunity to run away without a care and deal with it tomorrow. well it's tomorrow, and now i have to deal.
perhaps i'm letting my head clear out a little too much (hadn't had a drink since saturday). not like it's that odd, but it's more like reality is seeping in and i'm not taking care of anyone and i'm not destroying myself so who am i supposed to be? this healthy girl who stays in and doesn't go out every night and saves money and knits? i don't know what's going on. i think i need a vacation...
so anyways. liked punch-drunk love. hadn't heard a thing about (not even that it was paul thomas anderson, duh! but what a treat to watch & like & then to realize!) i don't think it even had opening credits. but i'd recommend it if you haven't seen it. it's low-key, but nice. and makes me appreciate my sister a zillion times more. (those four brothers in the truck, i think were actually four real-life brothers~ha!) i even can appreciate my mother more. those sisters were harsh!
okay then, going to see the woodsman tomorrow (tonight) and gonna try to watch solaris on sunday night or sometime when i'm well rested and can endure a three-hour russian subtitled film (i might have to watch that one in the solitude of my room and not take over the common area for 170 minutes).
oh, sunday, we're having a Flicker Film Fest meeting at 3 o'clock at MoJo's, if anyone is interested in just hanging out, wants to see what Flicker is all about, or is eager to get more involved in running a local film fest. we're gonna be planning some events, fundraisers, and trying to figure out how to draw larger audiences to each screening, with more publicity, live bands, whatever else we can think of. your ideas would be truly appreciated. if you can't attend but your head is spewing over with brilliant brainstorms of incredible edible information, please feel free to email me: or cory the flicktress of flicker:
on saturday afternoon, post-errand running, i think i'm gonna indulge myself in a little Dodgeball humor to get me pumped up for a saturday night, whatever may happen...
okay then. oh, i watched The Name of the Rose last week. omigoodness, christian slater is like 15 years old/young in this film! there's a lot more to it (i actually liked it more than i thought i would) but i don't want to spoil anything for you. so if you're ever bored, check it out from the hancock library (aka yarborough branch) some night (free rental, for one whole week). or request it to be delivered to the library closest you.
library is closed next monday for Martin Luther King Day. the onion is so wrong but unfortunately so terribly dead on.
next monday in respect of MLK day, i'm going to see this:
i might even buy my ticket in advance because i would hate for it to sell out without me...wanna go too? only $2 (if buy online). let me know...yeah, i think i'm gonna buy five tickets; let me know if you want one of them.
and shauna, call me, i need to also get my crispin glover ticket now! i unfortunately have to work every saturday in february, so i wanna plan ahead somehow...for crispin, my dear.
what *was* i thinking?? paul thomas anderson?! how did i not know. y'all are sweet for not rubbin my face in it...yet. at least not before i watched it. thanks!
oh, did i fail to mention that i searched NetFlix for about four hours sunday night when i got it, and ended up with over 250 movies in my queue?! yeah, that's not very healthy.
Barry: I'm lookin' at your face and I just wanna smash it. I just wanna fuckin' smash it with a sledgehammer and squeeze it. You're so pretty.
Lena: I want to chew your face, and I want to scoop out your eyes and I want to eat them and chew them and suck on them.
Barry: OK. This is funny. This is nice.
there's a cold blowin' in right now. sounds a little spooky actually. i should go to sleep...
-paul thomas anderson-
well shit yeah, i was wondering about luis guzman and philip seymour hoffman all hangin out & looking cool. the lights & colors. the music & sound. the car crashes. good shit.
i was about to sit down and watch Solaris (1972) but damn! it's a 2-hr-49-min movie! and it was 11:30 so i started sandler instead. (95min)
damn, idiot, what be i babblin bout. wonder what book my sister was waiting to come out. maybe it was the hours and i'm just totally confused. i was sitting there after the film watching the credits, p-t-anderson, 2002, and thinking where the hell was i?
then it hit me, i sorta checked out for a couple of years. i forgot about that. i was sort of preoccupied. then after that i was sort of numb for a year or two. and now i've sort of woken up. and i don't really know who/what/where i'm supposed to be now. i'm already freaking out about a job i'm supposed to have in four months from now. where i'm gonna live seven months from now. i can't do the day-to-day thing anymore. i feel as if i need some sort of plan. is it cuz i'm finally growing up a little? or just plain getting old?
or is it that i'm not just clinging on to every last breath, every last day, every last minute. i'm back in the land of the living again...yet i've almost forgotten how to *live* if that makes any sense at all. to live the daily life without the fear of i don't know, death, sickness, sadness. this daily life without the opportunity to run away without a care and deal with it tomorrow. well it's tomorrow, and now i have to deal.
perhaps i'm letting my head clear out a little too much (hadn't had a drink since saturday). not like it's that odd, but it's more like reality is seeping in and i'm not taking care of anyone and i'm not destroying myself so who am i supposed to be? this healthy girl who stays in and doesn't go out every night and saves money and knits? i don't know what's going on. i think i need a vacation...
so anyways. liked punch-drunk love. hadn't heard a thing about (not even that it was paul thomas anderson, duh! but what a treat to watch & like & then to realize!) i don't think it even had opening credits. but i'd recommend it if you haven't seen it. it's low-key, but nice. and makes me appreciate my sister a zillion times more. (those four brothers in the truck, i think were actually four real-life brothers~ha!) i even can appreciate my mother more. those sisters were harsh!
okay then, going to see the woodsman tomorrow (tonight) and gonna try to watch solaris on sunday night or sometime when i'm well rested and can endure a three-hour russian subtitled film (i might have to watch that one in the solitude of my room and not take over the common area for 170 minutes).
oh, sunday, we're having a Flicker Film Fest meeting at 3 o'clock at MoJo's, if anyone is interested in just hanging out, wants to see what Flicker is all about, or is eager to get more involved in running a local film fest. we're gonna be planning some events, fundraisers, and trying to figure out how to draw larger audiences to each screening, with more publicity, live bands, whatever else we can think of. your ideas would be truly appreciated. if you can't attend but your head is spewing over with brilliant brainstorms of incredible edible information, please feel free to email me: or cory the flicktress of flicker:
on saturday afternoon, post-errand running, i think i'm gonna indulge myself in a little Dodgeball humor to get me pumped up for a saturday night, whatever may happen...
okay then. oh, i watched The Name of the Rose last week. omigoodness, christian slater is like 15 years old/young in this film! there's a lot more to it (i actually liked it more than i thought i would) but i don't want to spoil anything for you. so if you're ever bored, check it out from the hancock library (aka yarborough branch) some night (free rental, for one whole week). or request it to be delivered to the library closest you.
library is closed next monday for Martin Luther King Day. the onion is so wrong but unfortunately so terribly dead on.
next monday in respect of MLK day, i'm going to see this:
i might even buy my ticket in advance because i would hate for it to sell out without me...wanna go too? only $2 (if buy online). let me know...yeah, i think i'm gonna buy five tickets; let me know if you want one of them.
and shauna, call me, i need to also get my crispin glover ticket now! i unfortunately have to work every saturday in february, so i wanna plan ahead somehow...for crispin, my dear.
what *was* i thinking?? paul thomas anderson?! how did i not know. y'all are sweet for not rubbin my face in it...yet. at least not before i watched it. thanks!
oh, did i fail to mention that i searched NetFlix for about four hours sunday night when i got it, and ended up with over 250 movies in my queue?! yeah, that's not very healthy.
Barry: I'm lookin' at your face and I just wanna smash it. I just wanna fuckin' smash it with a sledgehammer and squeeze it. You're so pretty.
Lena: I want to chew your face, and I want to scoop out your eyes and I want to eat them and chew them and suck on them.
Barry: OK. This is funny. This is nice.
there's a cold blowin' in right now. sounds a little spooky actually. i should go to sleep...
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
my NetFlix came in! my NetFlix came in!
damn, that was quick! one-day turnaround. had i known that, i would have ditched you guys and left early...just kidding!
happy birthday to ennea! lookin' great for any age! and she gave me a damn good spanking...hey, how did that happen?!
well Punch-Drunk Love is for wed night, unless i go see Dig at the alamo at 9:45, but i haven't decided yet. i'll have dodgeball around for the weekend, if anyone's interested in some silly Ben Stiller/Vince Vaughn fun.
thursday night, i'm going to a sneak preview of the woodsman. looking creepy. got a sleepers feel to it...but trying not to read the reviews yet.
p.s. for future reference, this blog is riddled with
six degrees of kevin bacon. six degrees of separation. if you know me, you're only two degrees from the president, on two sides of the coin, and that's no lie.
damn, that was quick! one-day turnaround. had i known that, i would have ditched you guys and left early...just kidding!
happy birthday to ennea! lookin' great for any age! and she gave me a damn good spanking...hey, how did that happen?!
well Punch-Drunk Love is for wed night, unless i go see Dig at the alamo at 9:45, but i haven't decided yet. i'll have dodgeball around for the weekend, if anyone's interested in some silly Ben Stiller/Vince Vaughn fun.
thursday night, i'm going to a sneak preview of the woodsman. looking creepy. got a sleepers feel to it...but trying not to read the reviews yet.
p.s. for future reference, this blog is riddled with
six degrees of kevin bacon. six degrees of separation. if you know me, you're only two degrees from the president, on two sides of the coin, and that's no lie.
tonight i watched

tonight at the alamo drafthouse downtown as part of the AFS Essential Cinema Series on African directors, i watched Faat Kine. i loved it, wanted to hang out with this strong independent woman, and chat about safe sex. i could not imagine being someone's THIRD wife...much less a wife at all.
more about the director Ousmane Sembene.
and i get 6 more African director films! (alas, i may have to miss 1 due to work mtg)
Monday, January 10, 2005
the insider
okay. i just watched the insider, and yeah i know i'm a half-decade late, but still, people, i do *not* see why it was nominated for 7 academy awards! (and won none.) it's sort of like, you throw al pacino in a movie and somehow it's a given that it's gonna be up for multiple award nominations. whatever, no thanks.
but still i don't see how i could have missed at least hearing about this movie. (but then again, i didn't see the crying game till years after it was out and i was like, that is soooo totally a y'all mean to tell me you really didn't know?!) i did however miss out (on purpose) the whole russell crowe fad. but i gave this movie a chance because i just watched Proof of Life this weekend and it didn't suck. both Russell Crowe & Meg Ryan didn't bug the bejesus out of me, so i was gonna give russell crowe movies a chance, finally. i never even saw gladiator.
i did see romper stomper when it came out at the dobie (yes, years & years ago, when i was but a wee lass) and i loved it. i didn't realize that it was a young russell crowe at the time, not till later (and i did love him then, that character). but...but then russell crowe & his 40 ought knots whatEVER band were playing at stubb's and the whole meg ryan thing and i can't remember, but i just wrote him off at that time.
oh i see here, i was too busy watching the matrix and american beauty. and it was my birthday. (where was i in the year 2000 for my birthday??) well that makes sense. i usually only see a couple of award-nominated films a year, seriously. i probably won't have seen more than 2 that are nominated next month for best of '04. hurry & catch up!
so sunday morning i watched My Life without Me, starring Sarah Polley. and i really liked it, more than i thought i would. and i like sarah polley more than i thought i would. just now, on the insider, they had a preview for a movie Guinivere with her that looked good.
oh but my BIG movie news, is that UberShauna gave me a gift of two free months of NetFlix! now, i know you know i am all about local video stores (and independent films) but you can't look a gift horse in the mouth! i sat up sunday night, trying my damnedest to figure out what i was gonna rent, how many movies (shipped at 3 at a time) can i feasibly watch in two months? wanna watch me go? it might make you seasick. but my first delivery (due wed 1/12) is Dodgeball, Punch-Drunk Love, & Solaris (1972). dodgeball, well i just wanted to see it again. it really really made me laugh in the theater when i saw it one unemployed friday afternoon with my friend taminatrix. and punch-drunk love, i haven't seen yet. i believe it's based on a book, and i believe my sister said the book was good and that she was looking forward to seeing the movie (at the time it was coming out). unlike me, she probably reads a book a week, if not more. and Solaris. well...i'm on this mission to watch every original movie that was remade and then watch the remake. i really don't know what the intent of this research is, but plainly said, it's just research. so anyway Solaris was remade in 2002 by soderbergh and starring george clooney. so we'll see. the original is foreign, russian maybe? (i don't even know if they're the same premise.) anyway, if you are on netflix, you can now be my friend and we can share movie suggestions & reviews. you can find me by my other [realname] email address. but hurry! i'm only on NetFlix thru March 9! and then it's back to the library for me...
NetFlix is kinda cool. you can search by genres, and even subgenres within the genres. i've gotten a lot of classic horror and foreign films lined up, if anyone's interested in joining me. i'm trying to rotate my three-at-a-time as (1) happy/funny (2) serious/sad (3) classic/foreign/thriller, so i will always have one movie onhand to suit whatever mood i'm in.
tonight i checked out from the library:
The Insider
Smoke Signals
i hadn't seen any of these (just watched insider and not too terribly impressed). great story, though. everyone should stop smoking, though, starting NOW.
(i think a bldg alarm is going off behind my house. and it's loud. and it's 2am and i need some sleep)
but still i don't see how i could have missed at least hearing about this movie. (but then again, i didn't see the crying game till years after it was out and i was like, that is soooo totally a y'all mean to tell me you really didn't know?!) i did however miss out (on purpose) the whole russell crowe fad. but i gave this movie a chance because i just watched Proof of Life this weekend and it didn't suck. both Russell Crowe & Meg Ryan didn't bug the bejesus out of me, so i was gonna give russell crowe movies a chance, finally. i never even saw gladiator.
i did see romper stomper when it came out at the dobie (yes, years & years ago, when i was but a wee lass) and i loved it. i didn't realize that it was a young russell crowe at the time, not till later (and i did love him then, that character). but...but then russell crowe & his 40 ought knots whatEVER band were playing at stubb's and the whole meg ryan thing and i can't remember, but i just wrote him off at that time.
oh i see here, i was too busy watching the matrix and american beauty. and it was my birthday. (where was i in the year 2000 for my birthday??) well that makes sense. i usually only see a couple of award-nominated films a year, seriously. i probably won't have seen more than 2 that are nominated next month for best of '04. hurry & catch up!
so sunday morning i watched My Life without Me, starring Sarah Polley. and i really liked it, more than i thought i would. and i like sarah polley more than i thought i would. just now, on the insider, they had a preview for a movie Guinivere with her that looked good.
oh but my BIG movie news, is that UberShauna gave me a gift of two free months of NetFlix! now, i know you know i am all about local video stores (and independent films) but you can't look a gift horse in the mouth! i sat up sunday night, trying my damnedest to figure out what i was gonna rent, how many movies (shipped at 3 at a time) can i feasibly watch in two months? wanna watch me go? it might make you seasick. but my first delivery (due wed 1/12) is Dodgeball, Punch-Drunk Love, & Solaris (1972). dodgeball, well i just wanted to see it again. it really really made me laugh in the theater when i saw it one unemployed friday afternoon with my friend taminatrix. and punch-drunk love, i haven't seen yet. i believe it's based on a book, and i believe my sister said the book was good and that she was looking forward to seeing the movie (at the time it was coming out). unlike me, she probably reads a book a week, if not more. and Solaris. well...i'm on this mission to watch every original movie that was remade and then watch the remake. i really don't know what the intent of this research is, but plainly said, it's just research. so anyway Solaris was remade in 2002 by soderbergh and starring george clooney. so we'll see. the original is foreign, russian maybe? (i don't even know if they're the same premise.) anyway, if you are on netflix, you can now be my friend and we can share movie suggestions & reviews. you can find me by my other [realname] email address. but hurry! i'm only on NetFlix thru March 9! and then it's back to the library for me...
NetFlix is kinda cool. you can search by genres, and even subgenres within the genres. i've gotten a lot of classic horror and foreign films lined up, if anyone's interested in joining me. i'm trying to rotate my three-at-a-time as (1) happy/funny (2) serious/sad (3) classic/foreign/thriller, so i will always have one movie onhand to suit whatever mood i'm in.
tonight i checked out from the library:
The Insider
Smoke Signals
i hadn't seen any of these (just watched insider and not too terribly impressed). great story, though. everyone should stop smoking, though, starting NOW.
(i think a bldg alarm is going off behind my house. and it's loud. and it's 2am and i need some sleep)
Sunday, January 09, 2005
recent viewings of jybil
*found in a draft dated 12/23/04*
i've caught quite a few flicks this past month:
The Green Mile
Hearts in Atlantis
i had a garage sale or two at this rental house my mom owns in Round Rock, but i kept all the old videos rather than selling them. cuz i'm a pack rat like that. the two above were from the donated collection, and oddly enough, both are based on stephen king stories. i loved green mile...had never seen it before.
with friends & family, i've watched:
There's Something about Mary
Something's Got to Give
Grace of my Heart (you should rent this if you've never heard of it)
recently checked out from library & watched:
The Pianist (excellent! I knew, but I didn't know. loved it!)
WarGames - "would you like to play a game?"
checked out & watched from the library, a paul newman double feature:
The Hustler
The Color of Money
about a month ago:
Donnie Darko, Director's Cut, with the writer/director in attendance
did i mention:
Starsky & Hutch (remake)
at the alamo village:
Coffee & Cigarettes
Shaun of the Dead
40s @ 5 recently:
Space Camp (drink! props to mecca & mike!)
Coyote Ugly
recent AFS viewings:
Undertow (with the screenplay writer Joe Conway in attendance at the Dobie)
(my boyfriend Josh Lucas was in this film)
Lovers of the Arctic Circle
Goya in Bordeaux
and last but not least:
Flicker Film Fest!
butt-numb-a-thon was this past weekend and no we did not get in. i feel bad for UberShauna cuz she loves bnat. i probably would have passed out halfway through it. and wasted my precious seat. alas, she doesn't sound too disappointed because they didn't play anything too sneak preview-esque (which is good to know you didn't really miss anything too much, like peter jackson or mel gibson in attendance).
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
I just found out that Harold of Harold and Maude played the accountant stooge. awesome.
i've caught quite a few flicks this past month:
The Green Mile
Hearts in Atlantis
i had a garage sale or two at this rental house my mom owns in Round Rock, but i kept all the old videos rather than selling them. cuz i'm a pack rat like that. the two above were from the donated collection, and oddly enough, both are based on stephen king stories. i loved green mile...had never seen it before.
with friends & family, i've watched:
There's Something about Mary
Something's Got to Give
Grace of my Heart (you should rent this if you've never heard of it)
recently checked out from library & watched:
The Pianist (excellent! I knew, but I didn't know. loved it!)
WarGames - "would you like to play a game?"
checked out & watched from the library, a paul newman double feature:
The Hustler
The Color of Money
about a month ago:
Donnie Darko, Director's Cut, with the writer/director in attendance
did i mention:
Starsky & Hutch (remake)
at the alamo village:
Coffee & Cigarettes
Shaun of the Dead
40s @ 5 recently:
Space Camp (drink! props to mecca & mike!)
Coyote Ugly
recent AFS viewings:
Undertow (with the screenplay writer Joe Conway in attendance at the Dobie)
(my boyfriend Josh Lucas was in this film)
Lovers of the Arctic Circle
Goya in Bordeaux
and last but not least:
Flicker Film Fest!
butt-numb-a-thon was this past weekend and no we did not get in. i feel bad for UberShauna cuz she loves bnat. i probably would have passed out halfway through it. and wasted my precious seat. alas, she doesn't sound too disappointed because they didn't play anything too sneak preview-esque (which is good to know you didn't really miss anything too much, like peter jackson or mel gibson in attendance).
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
I just found out that Harold of Harold and Maude played the accountant stooge. awesome.
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
House of Flying Daggers
Tonight! Special advance screening for AFS members (Free!)
I have a +1, if you call me before 6pm. @ the Dobie.
Tonight! Special advance screening for AFS members (Free!)

I have a +1, if you call me before 6pm. @ the Dobie.