Friday, October 31, 2003
halloween horror
well...i didn't make it to the midnight movie wednesday night. so i will be trying to rent All the Colors of Darkness somehow soon. ended up staying at my friends' house after we all had been carving pumpkins (well, they carved. i watched.), eating toasted pumpkin seeds, drinking wine, and sitting 'round the campfire. (we would have been telling ghost stories, but none of us knew any.)
as time passed, and midnight neared, the thought of trekking downtown and back seemed less appealing. thus, we popped in The Changeling. Unfortunately, the warm wine and the lazyboy sucked me into a dreamlike state instead of keeping me awake through the entirety of this movie. however, it started mighty fine. nothing i like more than an intro scene that tugs at your heartstrings and gets the gore introduced immediately! (have you seen Identity? yeah, rent it.) but alas, the ways of wine were stronger than my will. thus, i will have to watch The Changeling fully another day.
i did however check out from our own austin public library (yes, my friend, check out movies and some dvd's for FREE for one whole week, because i know we are all broke out there. and if you're not broke out there, then take me to more movies!) this fine selection from the favorite classics to choose from:
The Birds
The Shining
Rosemary's Baby
and The Omen
so yes, if i am unable to drag myself out tonight, not exactly in the halloween spirit, i will be o.d.'ing on classic horror and missing out on live austin action, but oh well.
last night, i went to the austin museum of art. there was a lecture by the director of the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh. and, i hadn't been to the Warhol exhibit yet, so i figured this was a good a night as any to go. (i also have a $1 off coupon, and saved 20% off the entry fee. man, i'm a cheapskate lately. i could tell you 20 reasons why, too, though.) so anyway, as i was driving by the Paramount to the AMOA, their marquee sold me...Double Feature: Frankenstein (7:15), Frankensten Meets the Wolfman (8:45). Okay, i really wanted to see the original Frankenstein, but i had already planned to attend this lecture, so i was just gonna see how i was feeling after i left the museum.
and yes, the feeling was still there. the desire to be: all alone, the night before halloween, munching popcorn in a dark theater, watching an old black-n-white horror film (that was sort of good, sort of bad, wrapped up all in the same movie). anyway, the mood was perfect. the film couldn't have been any better. bad accents (might have been her real one, but it was still bad), gypsies, beerfests, yes, this was the feeling i wanted to achieve, and i achieved it. i went home last night satisfied. and it couldn't have turned out any better had i had planned it...
well...i didn't make it to the midnight movie wednesday night. so i will be trying to rent All the Colors of Darkness somehow soon. ended up staying at my friends' house after we all had been carving pumpkins (well, they carved. i watched.), eating toasted pumpkin seeds, drinking wine, and sitting 'round the campfire. (we would have been telling ghost stories, but none of us knew any.)
as time passed, and midnight neared, the thought of trekking downtown and back seemed less appealing. thus, we popped in The Changeling. Unfortunately, the warm wine and the lazyboy sucked me into a dreamlike state instead of keeping me awake through the entirety of this movie. however, it started mighty fine. nothing i like more than an intro scene that tugs at your heartstrings and gets the gore introduced immediately! (have you seen Identity? yeah, rent it.) but alas, the ways of wine were stronger than my will. thus, i will have to watch The Changeling fully another day.
i did however check out from our own austin public library (yes, my friend, check out movies and some dvd's for FREE for one whole week, because i know we are all broke out there. and if you're not broke out there, then take me to more movies!) this fine selection from the favorite classics to choose from:
The Birds
The Shining
Rosemary's Baby
and The Omen
so yes, if i am unable to drag myself out tonight, not exactly in the halloween spirit, i will be o.d.'ing on classic horror and missing out on live austin action, but oh well.
last night, i went to the austin museum of art. there was a lecture by the director of the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh. and, i hadn't been to the Warhol exhibit yet, so i figured this was a good a night as any to go. (i also have a $1 off coupon, and saved 20% off the entry fee. man, i'm a cheapskate lately. i could tell you 20 reasons why, too, though.) so anyway, as i was driving by the Paramount to the AMOA, their marquee sold me...Double Feature: Frankenstein (7:15), Frankensten Meets the Wolfman (8:45). Okay, i really wanted to see the original Frankenstein, but i had already planned to attend this lecture, so i was just gonna see how i was feeling after i left the museum.
and yes, the feeling was still there. the desire to be: all alone, the night before halloween, munching popcorn in a dark theater, watching an old black-n-white horror film (that was sort of good, sort of bad, wrapped up all in the same movie). anyway, the mood was perfect. the film couldn't have been any better. bad accents (might have been her real one, but it was still bad), gypsies, beerfests, yes, this was the feeling i wanted to achieve, and i achieved it. i went home last night satisfied. and it couldn't have turned out any better had i had planned it...
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
free midnight movie
Anyone up for the free midnight movie at the alamo drafthouse downtown tonight?
...Edwige Fenech graces the screen as a woman who is having uncontrollable nightmares, fits of paranoia, and all-out depression. Her neighbour has great advice - join a Satanic cult! Of course, as her new hobby begins to spiral downward into a world of murder, conspiracy, and inexplicable stalkings, her husband tries to figure out what's behind all the madness... (Sam McKinlay)

Anyone up for the free midnight movie at the alamo drafthouse downtown tonight?
...Edwige Fenech graces the screen as a woman who is having uncontrollable nightmares, fits of paranoia, and all-out depression. Her neighbour has great advice - join a Satanic cult! Of course, as her new hobby begins to spiral downward into a world of murder, conspiracy, and inexplicable stalkings, her husband tries to figure out what's behind all the madness... (Sam McKinlay)
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
so i actually did it. i pretty much saw all of the films i set out to see in
the 8 days of the austin film festival last week. grand total: 15 films.
there were a few that i wanted to see, but i wasn't able to because of
location or schedule. or because i was just too damn tired. so if you see any
of these films listed at dobie or somewhere, let me know and i'll go with ya:
(or if you see them listed on ifc or trio, invite me over, cuz i don't have cable)
Alien: The Director's Cut
The Barbarian Invasions
Breakfast with Hunter
Broadway: The Golden Age
The Failures
The Movie Hero
there were some shorts and documentaries that i really wanted to see,
and i don't know if i'll ever have the opportunity to now that they're no
longer in a festival:
An Unlikely Friendship
(USA, 35min.)
Director: Diane Bloom
An Unlikely Friendship is the riveting film account of the remarkable
relationship between an outspoken black woman activist and an
embittered Klansman. The story of the altogether unexpected alliance
and life-long friendship between these two antagonists is moving, comic
and inspiring.
Ferry Tales
(USA, 40 min.)
Director: Katja Esson
The film is a sneak peak into a culture that only happens 30 minutes
a day in the women's bathroom...a place where no men are allowed.
As they put on their make-up, they are transformed from housewives
to businesswomen, from mothers to lawyers, from sisters to socialites.
This is a story of the vibrant life that goes unnoticed in a place that
goes ignored.
other than that, i did pretty good, all in all, seeing the 15 films listed below.
i was gonna write out a little blurb for each one, but i didn't want to include
any spoilers. most of the links below will already have a spoiler or two, so
don't read too much if you like to be surprised at all.
also, i have a tendency to not like the films that most other people like, and
then like some (pretty bad) films that no one else seems to like. hence, we
all have our quirky opinions. but at least now i know when i'm liking a bad
film...and enjoy bragging about how awfully wonderful it was!
p.s. on another note, i loved Kill Bill! we went to the premiere at the alamo
and i got a badass Kill Bill t-shirt!
i also recommend Lost in Translation.
very different movies. both, very good.
next on my list: School of Rock.
or Kill Bill again.
--> austin film festival: oct 9-16
the 8 days of the austin film festival last week. grand total: 15 films.
there were a few that i wanted to see, but i wasn't able to because of
location or schedule. or because i was just too damn tired. so if you see any
of these films listed at dobie or somewhere, let me know and i'll go with ya:
(or if you see them listed on ifc or trio, invite me over, cuz i don't have cable)
Alien: The Director's Cut
The Barbarian Invasions
Breakfast with Hunter
Broadway: The Golden Age
The Failures
The Movie Hero
there were some shorts and documentaries that i really wanted to see,
and i don't know if i'll ever have the opportunity to now that they're no
longer in a festival:
An Unlikely Friendship
(USA, 35min.)
Director: Diane Bloom
An Unlikely Friendship is the riveting film account of the remarkable
relationship between an outspoken black woman activist and an
embittered Klansman. The story of the altogether unexpected alliance
and life-long friendship between these two antagonists is moving, comic
and inspiring.
Ferry Tales
(USA, 40 min.)
Director: Katja Esson
The film is a sneak peak into a culture that only happens 30 minutes
a day in the women's bathroom...a place where no men are allowed.
As they put on their make-up, they are transformed from housewives
to businesswomen, from mothers to lawyers, from sisters to socialites.
This is a story of the vibrant life that goes unnoticed in a place that
goes ignored.
other than that, i did pretty good, all in all, seeing the 15 films listed below.
i was gonna write out a little blurb for each one, but i didn't want to include
any spoilers. most of the links below will already have a spoiler or two, so
don't read too much if you like to be surprised at all.
also, i have a tendency to not like the films that most other people like, and
then like some (pretty bad) films that no one else seems to like. hence, we
all have our quirky opinions. but at least now i know when i'm liking a bad
film...and enjoy bragging about how awfully wonderful it was!
p.s. on another note, i loved Kill Bill! we went to the premiere at the alamo
and i got a badass Kill Bill t-shirt!
i also recommend Lost in Translation.
very different movies. both, very good.
next on my list: School of Rock.
or Kill Bill again.
--> austin film festival: oct 9-16
Thursday, October 16, 2003
7:00 Off the Map w/ actor: Sam Elliott
9:45 Sunset Story
Wednesday, October 15
7:00 Particles of Truth
9:45 Sunset Story
Wednesday, October 15
7:00 Particles of Truth
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Monday, October 13, 2003
Sunday, October 12, 2003
4:30 Elf
7:00 Girl with a Pearl Earring
9:30 Klepto
Saturday, October 11, 2003
6:30 Mystic River
9:30 Bukowski: Born Into This
Friday, October 10, 2003
7:15 Pieces of April with writer/director: Peter Hedges
9:45 Swing
Thursday, October 9, 2003
7:15 Prey for Rock and Roll w/ director: Alex Steyermark
--> austin film festival: oct 9-16
Wednesday, October 8, 2003
Kill Bill
Thursday, October 2, 2003
Flicker Film Fest
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Lost in Translation
7:00 Girl with a Pearl Earring
9:30 Klepto
Saturday, October 11, 2003
6:30 Mystic River
9:30 Bukowski: Born Into This
Friday, October 10, 2003
7:15 Pieces of April with writer/director: Peter Hedges
9:45 Swing
Thursday, October 9, 2003
7:15 Prey for Rock and Roll w/ director: Alex Steyermark
--> austin film festival: oct 9-16
Wednesday, October 8, 2003
Kill Bill
Thursday, October 2, 2003
Flicker Film Fest
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Lost in Translation